Thursday, December 26, 2019
Should Marijuana Be Legalized - 812 Words
Kush, Pot, Weed, Mary Jane, marijuana is known by many names. Americans perceive marijuana as an awful drug. But have americans discovered that marijuana has be known to contribute good and bad qualities for the human body. Americans should legalize marijuana because there has been no evidence that anyone has ever died of marijuana overdose, Marijuana is a safer drug than others, and Marijuana has a lower risk of addiction than most legalized drugs. To begin with, Marijuana was first known to be discovered in China around the time of 2727 B.C. Marijuana started out being used for healthy purposes. It’s was mainly used for clothing, fiber, and medical uses. Nowadays marijuana is smoked all around the world. The issue being faced in the U.S†¦show more content†¦Similarly, Marijuana also has an extremely almost non existent risk of addiction in comparison to other drugs.The article titled â€Å"The Truth About Pot†published in the Scientific American Website stated that, â€Å"only 9% of users of marijuana show signs of a dependence based relationship with marijuana.†In addition, this article also stated that â€Å"alcohol has an addiction percentage of 15 , cocaine has an addiction percentage of 17, heroin has an addiction percentage of 23, and nicotine has an addiction percentage 32.†Furthermore, it has never been proven that anyone has died of a marijuana overdose unlike most drugs. In an article written by the Huffington Post titled ‘How Many People Have Died From Marijuana they stated, â€Å"a marijuana smoker would have to consume 20,000 to 40,000 times the amount of THC in a joint in order to be at risk of dying.†Basically saying it’s highly unlikely that someone could die from Marijuana consumption. Also in an article made by the CDC titled ‘Drug Overdose†it stated that 44% of Americans in the U.S. die from an overdose on prescription pills, and over the counter pills everyday. Whereas through the evidence gathered there, hasn’t been one proven case of someone dying of Marijuana overdose. According to another article located on the Leafscience Website titled â€Å"Can you overdose on Marijuana?†has shown important evidence. It showed that
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
The Doctrine Of Freedom Of Contract - 1504 Words
The particular focus of this essay is on how terms are implied. This is central because the courts intervene and impose implied terms when they believe that in addition to the terms the parties have expressly agreed on, other terms must be implied into the contract. Gillies argued that the courts have become more interventionist in protecting the rights of contracting parties thereby encroaching upon the notion of freedom of contract. The doctrine of freedom of contract is a prevailing philosophy which upholds the idea that parties to a contract should be at liberty to agree on their own terms without the interference of the courts or legislature. Implied terms can be viewed as a technique of construction or interpretation of contracts. It has been argued that the courts are interfering too much in their approach to determine and interpret the terms of a contract. The aim of this essay is to explore this argument further and in doing so consider whether freedom of contract is lost due to courts imposing implied terms. The essay will outline how the common law implies terms. The final part of the essay will examine whether Parliament, by means of a statute, or terms implied by custom restrict freedom in a contract. An overall conclusion on the issue will be reached. On the one hand it is evident that terms implied at common law can be ‘implied in law’ or ‘implied in fact’. Terms implied as a matter of fact are said to give effect to unexpressed intentions of theShow MoreRelatedThe Business Law Short Essay1215 Words  | 5 PagesUnfair Contract Terms) Act 2015 ()will affect from 12 November 2016. it has changed some sections to the Australian consumer law. Last version of this law only applicable to the individual consumer, Act 2015 extend the scope to the small business that employs fewer than 20 persons. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Love and Marriage Essay Example For Students
Love and Marriage Essay In both Romeo and Julietand the Mechant of Venice the idea of love and marriage are important concepts that tie many of the characters together. The couples who are perhaps the most similar are Romeo and Juliet and Lorenzo and Jessica. Throughout the play these young lovers wend their way to the lands of marriage , but only one pair will ultimately survive. The road taken by each couple , leading toward bliss or tragedy, is one which affords an insight into the development of the theme of romantic love in two of Shakespeares best loved plays. Romeo and Juliet is a play based on love between the two. Romeo and a groupof friends decided to go to Juliets family party. Romeo wasnt invited, he invited himself. They all had masks which disguise them. When at the party Romeo saw Juliet for the first time and fell deeply in love. Romeo and Juliet went behind a wall and began to talk. After the party Romeo was on his way home when he heard his friendswalking down the road so he told them he was giong to visit Juliet. He went into Juliets garden. As he was there he heard Juliet talking about Romeo. That iswhen they fell deeply in love with each other. In The Meaning of Shakespeare it says that the Merchant of Venice has three plots. The three plots are the bond theme, the casket theme, and the ring theme ( Goddard 117).In Romeo and Juliet there is just one theme which is love and the way it interacts with violence(Watts 90 ). All of these plots play an important roll to both couples marriage. In both plays the love between the couples is hidden( Frye 15). The two couples in 2which this happens is Romeo and Juliet and Bassonio and Portia . Romeo and Juliets love was hidden from everyone butthemselves. Bassonio and Portias love was concealedto themselves in the way that not even they themselves really knew. So both of the couples had a lot in common throughout there love and marriage. But as, you know, only one couple would ultimately survive. The casket theme and the balcony scene fit together really well because that is where both couples make it final on the marriage. The balcony scene is were Romeo overhears Juliet talking about how much she loves Romeo. Romeo then comes out from behind the bushes, and at that point they decide to get married. Bassonio and Portia become a couple when, Bassonio comes along and chooses the leaden casket (Shakespeare 404). In both Romeo and Juliet and The Merchant of Venice there are some very important characters that help the lovers significantly along the way. In Romeo and Julietthere are two important characters they are Friar Lawrence and the Nurse. Friar Lawrence is the person that Romeo goes to when he is troubled or is in the process of making an important decision. The Nurse is Juliets go to person. In the Merchant of Venice Bassonio and Portia have important people who help them out along the way. Bassonios buddy is Antonio. Antonio is the person that makes it all possible for Bassonio. Antonio was the person that allowed the bond to work. Lastly we have Potia and Nerissa, they work together throughout the play helping each other along the way. In both plays there was hatred between the two couples and their families. In Romeo and Juliet, Romeos family was feuding with Juliets family. In The Merchantof Venice, it was very similar because Jessicas father, Shylock was a very cruel man.3Shylock hated people who werent Jewish. Jessica and Lorenzo were also an important couple throughout the play. They gave themselves to each other (Barnet 4)In both plays there is an important difference. It was that in Romeo and Juliet Shakespeare keys in on one couples love throughout the play. Shakespeare also makesthis play very romantic, but as it carries on it becomes very tragic you see people from both Romeos family and Juliets family die. In the Merchant of Venice Shakespeare focuses in on different couples love. Some of the couples whose love was successful was Lorenzo and Jessica and Bassonio and Portia. He also makes this play begin happy and end happy. So as you see Shakespeares two best loved plays are similar in the way of love and marriage and different in their own ways in the way that Romeo and Juliet s love leads to death and Bassonio and Portias leads to happiness.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Small Town free essay sample
I never imagined that living in a small town could have such an impact on my life. There was a time when I thought that it was a disadvantage the same boring routine every day. Even though I had never been to the city, I always thought that living there would be much better than a small town. I used to think that life in Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania, was dull and filled with mind-numbing routines. I felt that the most exciting thing was the football games on Friday nights. I hated that everyone seemed to know everything about everyone else. Everyone seemed nosy and gossipy. I also didn’t like the fact that people seemed very close-minded. I felt trapped. I felt like I was missing out on opportunities. It seemed to me that city life would be active and exciting. Then, when I was a sophomore, I took my first trip to New York City. We will write a custom essay sample on Small Town or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I was thrilled. I couldn’t wait to experience the city. However, when I arrived in the Big Apple, it wasn’t at all what I had imagined. I knew it was home to thousands upon thousands of people, but I hadn’t expected to see so many people on the street at one time. Not only were the streets filled with people, but everyone was trying to get places in a hurry. Everything moved at such a fast pace. People weren’t friendly either. When I took the subway for the first time, I said hello to the middle-aged woman next to me. She looked at me with disgust and didn’t utter a word. City life was not at all what I had expected. After just one day, I realized how important my small town is to me. Now I appreciate the familiar faces I see every day. I like the feeling of security and belonging my town offers. Jim Thorpe gives me a sense of community and togetherness that the city doesn’t provide. I realize just how much a simple hello does for someone it really can make your day a little better. My big trip showed me that my small town really has instilled morals and values in me that I didn’t even know I had. Even though there isn’t much to do here, I really value the simplicity of life. I never would have known what a big place my town holds in my heart if I had not taken that trip to New York City.
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